It should have been obvious much earlier that vaccines are harmful. When licenses are pulled for showing evidence, and data is discredited, but obvious, such as VAERS data, it behooves us to take action, yet little is ever done. The corruption is rampant, and we are the recipient losers.

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A critically important message that needs to be shared far and wide, and shouted from the rooftops to all who would lend an ear!

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Thank you to the CONTROL GROUP.

Intelligence for WW# is always welcome.

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'The Control Group' had a thriving and extensive website that is now impossible for me to find.

From there you could join the group and be part of the analysis, also they gave out a members card. A friend used it to prevent being arrested as unvaccinated in private/public place. The police verified to her that it was the genuine article . It made her part of a study.

The Childrens Health Defense is also difficult to find a link for head office.

Here it is FYI ' Children's Health Defense'


Any links to ' The Control Group' would be appreciated.

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https://www.thecontrolgroup.org/ is the site for my study. Someone else started a "Control Group" website specific to tracking health outcomes for covid vaxxed vs. "unvaccinated" (with the covid jab only). Here is their website: https://www.vaxcontrolgroup.com/

There is a distinction here, because once a person has received ANY type of jab, they run at least 48% risk of heart disease, and at least 60% risk of chronic conditions over the age of 18. So any new effects from the covid jabs would only be counted above this 60%.

With true controls, (as in my study) one can more clearly see the disparity in health outcomes, due to the fact my study established the true "naturally occurring" or "background rate" of diseases AFTER ruling out all vaccines (and related and injected pharma products) as a possible cause of disease/disorders. Without exposure to any vaccines or related injections, the risk of any disease/disorder is at 2.64%. With exposure to vaccines, the risk is over 50% before the age of 18, and over 60% over the age of 18.

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Thank you Joy. All the best for you and yours as time goes by. May love be with you.

Your article has been sent to many places in the last few days.

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Thank you and Godspeed.


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One thing not mentioned is the chemicals and additives in most of our food that cause more health-related problems. Vaccines are the biggest contributor to the rise of ill-health but food additives are also a contributor to the failing health of populations. Nothing more than profitable population control.

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If all vaccines and related injectable pharma products are avoided, the risk of even one condition drops down to 2.64% (in all age groups combined). Since we've already ruled out vaccines as the cause of the conditions found in the entirely unvaccinated (unjabbed with anything), i.e., this 2.64% - we ALREADY know how to prevent 95% of the conditions which are plaguing humanity at this time.

Due to the fact that less than .09% of the entirely unjabbed (with anything) suffer from any of the more serious (deadly) health conditions found in the vaccine-exposed population, i.e., heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc., we also know how to prevent over 99% of all cancers, heart disease and diabetes.

Although I agree our food supply, air, water, etc. are also being poisoned, based upon the results of the Control Group study, it's also obvious that direct injection is the single most reliable and "effective" method of physically destroying humanity. Unless or until we've produced a remedy for THIS particular nightmare, (stopping these mass injections) I am not going to be spending any time lecturing people on the other stuff. The damage they're able to inflict via all other mechanisms combined is miniscule in comparison to the damage we KNOW is resulting from the injections.

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You might want to check out https://www.controlgroup.coop/

Focused primarily on vaccines, this is a worldwide group that will issue you a MUST NOT BE VACCINATED membership card as part of a legitimate control group to counter the push to vaccinate everyone on Earth.

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It's a good effort.

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"Fine till the shots" -parents-

Autismus starts with 1st vaxin campaign '40s, dr L Kanner.

Corrrelation shots / increase deaseases

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Drs don,t know the long list of poisons/neuro in vaxins and "failed" filtration of other retro/viruses in fabrication.

If mothers or drs try to give (orally) them to their childs would be jailed deprived of the childs and licenses.

Less known of undisclosed ingredients in (mRNA) gen etic in jections, evil as you can,t imagine.

Most not registered in VAERS or EudraV, the complications & deaths

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